Five projects focused on citizen science began their life in autumn 2012 as a part of the topic ENV.2012.6.5-1 "Developing community based environmental monitoring and information systems using innovative and novel earth observation applications". Their goals include developing novel technologies and applications in the domain of Earth Observation; exploiting portable devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) and enabling effective participation by citizens in environmental stewardship based on broad stakeholder and user involvement in support of both community and policy priorities.
These projects are:
CITI-SENSE - aiming to empower citizens to both contribute towards, and participate in environmental governance, by developing up to 30 Citizens’ Observatories supporting a range of services related to environmental issues of societal concern with participatory sensing tools and methods being central.
OmniScientis - combining the active participation of the stakeholders, especially citizens, with the implementation of innovative technologies to improve the governance of odour nuisance. OMNISCIENTIS implements an odour monitoring and information system allowing feedback in real-time, based on a web-based Service Platform.
Citclops - developing an observatory based on citizens’ science applications for the bio-optical monitoring of coast and ocean. Specifically, the Citclops action develops systems to retrieve and use data on the colour, transparency and fluorescence of seawater using low-cost sensors and smart phones along with contextual information.
COBWEB - seeking to design, develop and validate the necessary software infrastructure to facilitate and make possible the opportunistic harvesting and quality control of crowdsourced environmental data.
WeSenseIt - enabling citizens to become active stakeholders in information capturing, evaluation and communication for the water environment including flood risk.
Together these projects will enable sharing of data and information through advanced data management strategies based on open e-collaboration, addressing questions of privacy, data standards, quality and reliability.
The Facebook page ‘Citizens’ Observatories’ group acts as one focal point for the development and promotion of ‘Citizens' Observatories worldwide‘ as an essential tool and a common perspective to better observing, understanding, protecting and enhancing our environment.
For more information on the diferent projects, please visit the dedicated Citizens' Observatories webpage: www.citizen-obs.eu